Metolux Deco Universal Filler 1.5Kg (Grey)


Metolux Deco Universal Filler 1.5Kg (Grey)


Metolux 2 Part Universal Dec Fill is a fast hardening two-component polyester filler paste for the filling and repairing of holes and surface imperfections in a wide range of materials including wood, metal, concrete and GRP.

Easy to sand and finish with minimal clogging, and
leaves a hard ready to coat finish which can be easily blended.

• Good Value product

• Versatile use on wood (door frames, windows, screw holes, knots)
metal (car body work, screw holes, smoothing), concrete and GRP.

• Ideal for use as a
modelling clay or with plywood joints.

• Grey Colour

Once mixed 4-5 mins at 20°C with 2% hardener.
Sandable after 20 minutes.

Additional information

2-part colours

White, Pine, Teak/Dark Oak, Light Oak, Redwood, Black Oak